SL Magazine Cover and Team Uncool fashion editorial

Team Uncool, the collective that I am part of came up with a whack-ass concept for SL magazine, we were nervous they would throw us out after 5 minutes of pitching it to them but instead they gave us full creative control and we produced the editorial below. I also shot the cover of the magazine with a model from Star Models called Lauren T.

Design Indaba Magazine - 4th Quarter 07

Design Indaba magazine recently featured me in their 20 somethings article which featured 26 artists and designers from South Africa all under 30 years old. They had great things to say and it was awesome to published in such a great magazine. It is available at all Exclusive books and you can check out a preview of the article on the design indaba website. I have attached some scans from the mag and a snippet from the mag below:
"Photographer Chris Saunders seems to effortlessly cross over from telling portraits to distinctive fashion, spirited travel photography and seamless commercial shoots, maintaining a spontaneous breath of fresh air throughout. Affiliated to the innovative Glamour Mechanics service, Saunders also collaborates with the Team Uncool art Collective." Design Indaba magazine 4 07. (The written words about me in the magazine)

Shots magazine (UK) Cover

Shots magazine a UK based advertising magazine recently used one of my shots on the cover. The shot was of Jeana Theron of Velocity films. The shot was taken in the middle of Berea in Johannesburg and Black Coffee's Jacques & Danitsa styled the shoot. All in all the shot is one of my favorites of 2007. here it is below.

Shots magazine a UK based advertising magazine recently used one of my shots on the cover. The shot was of Jeana Theron of Velocity films. The shot was taken in the middle of Berea in Johannesburg and Black Coffee's Jacques & Danitsa styled the shoot. All in all the shot is one of my favorites of 2007. here it is below.