Above: Last years Paballo (Night of 1000 drawings) book. Which had numerous of my images in it.
above: the second of a line of people that represent the different aspects of paballo.
David Chong (soup driver volunteer guy),
zodwa( medical student, helps with distrubuting basic medical care and medicine every wednesday)
ndai |(director of paballo)
paul a homeless person from zimbabwe that used to stay on plein st.. but now behind the taxi rank by the nelson mandela bridge.
Night of 1000 drawings is an exhibition for charity organisation paballo, which happens once a year. This is the second year of the exhibition and we are hoping for it to be a great success. They are struggling for funding and they need as many people as possible to get together and help find it.
David Chong runs up the project and if you can help in anyway, including using your skills. Please email him on 1000drawings@gmail.com. Also visit their blog at
I will be doing a new documentary shoot with them tonight and it will be up on the blog soon.
Chris S 2007